Pacific Ocean Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_18640000_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3616/3322153878_822a9aef23_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span>

Spicy Tuna Roll
Inspired by Inside-Out Spicy Tuna Roll with Special Sauce. Ingredients 6 circular rice paper sheets 2 cups sumeshi 1 small avocado 1/2 lb sashimi-grade tuna 1/3 c mayonnaise 2 tbsp Sriracha sauce 1 tsp hot chile oil 1/2 tsp sesame oil 2 tbsp chopped green onions 3 tbsp toasted black sesame seeds Cooking Directions Cook

South Wedge Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_18640000_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3579/3321325531_222891983f_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span>
Red Dragon Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3607/3321299173_001b575dda_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>Supposedly today, June 18, is the "1st International Sushi Day". I say supposedly, because November 1, 2006 (coincidentally the day we launched Sushi Day) was also the "1st" International Sushi Day. And it really wouldn't surprise me if there have been others. Seems to me everyone claiming that today is International Sushi Day is referring to <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sushifan">a group on facebook</a>... so it seems to be a pretty
Katana Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3644/3321331343_72f5627fd4_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>I am not a gamer. While I do enjoy the occasional video game (I enjoyed the 10-day free trial of WoW a few years ago, and I had a blast playing Halo 3 with Son), I spend very little time reading or looking at anything about video games, and even less time actually playing. (Except for Wii Fit. Believe it or not, it's actually a pretty great game

Fisherman’s Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3583/3321320845_23b192d9b1_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>My family was never much of an outdoorsy type of family. Never once did we go camping, although we did often go hiking on a local trail. I did get some camping experience with my girl scout troop, but I would still consider myself far more of an indoors, city girl than someone who embraces the wild outdoors.</p> <p>So I'm always in awe of those who are outdoorsy. Those
Lemon Drop Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3623/3322148000_ccda80d4f0_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>Some people are just a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Even when they're going through pain or hard times, they always seem so bright and happy - the kind of person who makes <em>everyone's</em> day better. My friend <a href="http://lifeslittleinspirations.com/">Wendi Kelly</a> is one such person. As with quite a few of my other good friends, I met her through the <a href="http://escapingreality.ca/boards/index.php">Escaping Reality RPG.</a> And
Sassy Shrimp Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3641/3322125812_31efaf2634_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>I am a very shy girl. In social situations I'm awkward, quiet, and generally über polite to a fault. Because of this, I have very few people that I can consider really great, close friends. But every once in a blue moon, I meet someone with whom I just *click*. Whether it be online or off, once in a while I just know that I'm going to

Kyoto Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3633/3322120490_74ebed4bce_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>Sometimes I think we, as humans, overcomplicate things. We pack our schedules to the gills, we insist on cutting-edge technology for the most mundane tasks, and we are constantly going, going, going. Rarely do we stop and smell the roses, and appreciate the simpler things in life.</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3595/3321291197_ca27e1eab3_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>It's amazing how some of the best things are actually the simplest of all. For example, this sushi.