Author: Allison

blt sushi

BLT sushi

By now, you probably know all about my LOVE for all things BACON. And when it’s tomato season, my bacon love craves all the BLTs. So why not BLT sushi? I first made this roll back in 2007 (12 years ago!!!), so it’s a SushiDay classic. This time I added kewpie mayo, which is a

caprese salad sushi

Caprese salad roll

Weird sushi is nothing new here – if you look back in the archives, we’ve got everything from burrito sushi (not to be mistaken with a sushi burrito) to Thanksgiving sushi. But oddly enough, I’ve never tried caprese salad in sushi – until now! I was expecting this one to be a bit odd, but

kappa maki

We’re now on YouTube!

We’ve started a YouTube channel! We’re going back to our SushiDay roots – every Monday and Wednesday, we’ll post a sushi video, going back to the random, crazy rolls that this blog started with. We’re starting the channel with the very same roll we started this blog with – kappa maki… but it’s only going


Armenian food: baklava and lahmajoon

Missed the stream? Watch it on Twitch! It’s another viewer redemption! This time, one of our long-time viewers chose Armenian food. Ordinarily, I’d do a ton of research trying to learn about the country’s cuisine, and decide which recipe I wanted to make. However, this particular viewer is also a fellow cooking streamer – and

zambian spicy tilapia stew

Zambian food!

Missed the stream? Watch it on Twitch! It seems like all we do on stream these days are Cookbook Club recipes (we’re doing I Am a Filipino: And This Is How We Cook tomorrow!) and fishcoin redemptions – where users who have earned enough of the loyalty points that they automatically get for watching (“fishcoins”)


Citrus and dill gravalax

On Saturday’s stream, we started curing some citrus and dill gravalax – coated it with a salt, sugar, citrus zest, and dill mixture, wrapped it up, weighed it down, and stuck it in the fridge. Originally, the gravalax was supposed to be for our Christmas celebration – I had intended to serve it as a

caldo verde

Caldo verde, and citrus dill gravalax

Missed the stream? Watch it on Twitch! Even though it’s seemed like a warmer than usual fall/winter so far in LA, I’ve been unusually into soup this year. Most of my soup-cooking has happened off-stream – I’ve made creamy italian quinoa soup, roasted garlic chili white bean soup, and ham bones, greens, and beans soup
