A chewy crepe with a layer of egg, filled with a spicy dobanjiang peanut sauce, green onions, and kettle chips – we’re making jianbing today! We’d been up at 3:30 am to catch our flight from LAX to Portland. We took the train into downtown… and then got hopelessly lost, as the tall buildings interfered
Garlicky Salt n’ Pepper Shishito Peppers
What is your favorite bar food? I’m not much of a bar person – I don’t really drink – but I love the concept of bar food. Tasty, greasy, sometimes spicy, snackable foods. I particularly love izakayas – bar food, but make it Japanese. Edamame, karaage, sashimi, tebasaki, yakitori… y’all can keep your booze, I’m
It’s mooncake season!!! We made the salted egg yolks. Shrimpy made our fillings. And now, it’s what you’ve been waiting for… time to make the mooncakes! We are using a recipe from Omnivore’s Cookbook, which I’ve used several times with good results. We are going to start with a bit of golden syrup. Mine is
Weekly Wanderings 2020/10
This week has pretty much been dedicated to mooncakes. Cooking mooncakes… Editing mooncake videos… Eating mooncakes! Snail on a wall. Been eating lots of poutine. Not mad. I’m gonna have to make the cheese curds again soon so OH DARN MORE POUTINE. Breakfast sandwich! We’re really enjoying Going Under, and we’ve been playing it a
Mooncake Fillings
Now that we’ve made our salted egg yolks, the question is – what filling to make for our mooncakes? Mung bean, azuki bean, and lotus seed pastes are some of the most common fillings, and I love them all. Personally, I’m especially partial to lotus seed – which is your favorite? But I’ve also seen
Joblin Spice Latte
A few months ago, on our SushiCodes channel, we played a bunch of game demos during the Steam Game Festival. One of our favorites was a game called Going Under – a satirical roguelite dungeon crawler, where you’re a new intern at a failing startup. Your first task is to clear out the Joblins who
Salted Egg Yolks
A little over a week from now is this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, or Moon Festival. The actual date is different every year, but this year it will fall on October 1st. If you know me, or follow me on Instagram (I’m @sushiday!) then you’ll know by now that I love mooncakes. Every year around this
Shrimpy’s Perfect Fried Egg
What is your perfect fried egg? It’s different for everybody. Is it perfectly round, with clean white edges? Or is it irregular, with frizzly fried crispy edges? I’m a crispy edge kind of gal. Give me the flavor, the texture, the crunchy bits that are oh so good. This is my perfect fried egg. It
Weekly Wanderings 2020/9
What is time anymore? It’s been A Week of filming, filming, and more filming. The beginning of the week was still smoky, but in the last couple of days it finally cleared up. I can go outside again! Been in a breakfast sandwich kinda mood lately. This was bacon (left over from the okonomiyaki video),