Curry Mayonnaise
One batch of this is way, way more than you need for a batch of the spicy tofu rolls from Marisa Baggett’s Vegetarian Sushi Secrets. However, you should definitely still make a full batch. Because if you’re anything like me, you will find yourself addicted to this amazing curry mayonnaise, and start putting it on

Faux Roe “Boats”
Roe, roe, roe your boat… These “Faux Roe Boats”, or gunkan maki, are a fun sushi to make, and easier than normal rolled sushi – perfect for beginners! Recipe from Vegetarian Sushi Secrets by Marisa Baggett, out today! Ingredients 1 1/2 cups sushi rice Six 4×7-in (10×18-cm) nori sheets 1/2 cup (130 g) faux roe
Faux Roe
When I first saw the recipe list from Marisa Baggett’s new cookbook, Vegetarian Sushi Secrets, this Faux Roe recipe jumped out at me. How did she manage to create something that looks so similar to real fish roe, and yet is vegetarian? Well now I know – amaranth! This grain is one of those “superfoods”

Vegetarian Dashi
Even though I am by no means vegetarian, I have a tendency to make vegetarian dashi far more than the normal dashi that uses bonito flakes. I especially like this version – nice and simple to make! Recipe from Vegetarian Sushi Secrets by Marisa Baggett, out today! Ingredients 3 cups (750 ml) cool water 2
Salmon Poke
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt="salmon poke"/> </span> <p>A few months ago, a new restaurant opened in Redondo Beach that serves nothing but poke. We're kind of addicted. (We like the California Roll poke the best.)</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt="Jus' Poke"/> </span> <p>A few weeks ago, <a href="">Son</a> and I went on a business trip/vacation to Europe, which was tons of fun, exhausting, and left us craving Asian food like crazy. (Check out <a href="">my Instagram</a> for lots
Pumpkin Pie Wontons with Maple Whipped Cream
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt="Pumpkin Pie Wontons with Maple Whipped Cream"/> </span> <p>Now that we've launched <a href="">Fridgg</a>, I'm a little more conscious of being on top of holidays before they happen (unlike how I always used to post holiday recipes a week or so after the fact!) For example, I got the <a href="">Halloween sushi</a> post up a couple of days before Halloween, and here I am with a <a href="">Thanksgiving</a> post a whole two
Mackerel with Ginger & Green Onion, our giveaway winner, & we’re having a sale!
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt=""/> </span> <p>Congratulations to <a href="">Lara</a>! She was the winner of the sushi earrings.</p> <p>In other news, <em>we're having a sale!</em> From now until the end of the year, buy at least $40 worth of products from our <a href="">Sushi Day store</a>, and get $20 off. Our <a href="">Sushi Day shirts</a> are super-soft, way comfortable, and the perfect gift for every sushi lover in your life. Our <a href="">Sushi Kits</a>
Arctic Char and Cream Cheese Wontons (Psst… we’re having a contest!)
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt=""/> </span> <p>I have a challenge for you.</p> <p>Come up with something - <em>anything</em> (though it has to be edible food) - that wouldn't go well in a wonton.</p> <p>I bet you can't do it.</p> <p>(Neener neener!)</p> <p>I mean, really. You can fold anything in a wonton skin, fry it up, and it'll be delicious.</p> <p>An. Y. Thing.</p> <p>And if you can't come up with something that would do badly in wontons? Give me a cool, crazy,
Arctic Char Rosette Chirashi
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="" alt=""/> </span> <p>Every time I get a new type of fish, I try to think of good flavor combinations that I can use as inspiration for my dishes. I look through my bookmarks for recipes using that fish. I ask people on <a href="!/sushiday/status/2135203464089600">twitter</a>. I look back in my archives for <a href="">older, similar recipes</a> for inspiration.</p> <p>For today's recipe, for example, I found a <a href="">salmon recipe that I had