Happy Crab Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3537/3321335271_08a0430b95_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>I've been thinking a lot lately, about love, and dreams, and what it all means. Why do some people work their lives away in a job they hate, just to pay the rent, while others get to have the life of their dreams? Why do some marriages fail after only a few years, others go for decades then fall apart, and yet others can still be going strong after
Gatekeeper Maki
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3661/3322143088_794408bb01_b.jpg" alt="Gatekeeper Maki"/> </span> <p>Harry and James, James and Harry. Our dear <a href="http://menwithpens.ca/">Men with Pens</a>. Both are really amazing guys that I'm proud to call my friends, and <strike>both are sushi lovers</strike> one is a sushi lover. I'm still working on the other one.</p> <p>Harry was the easy one. He loves sushi, especially salmon. Salmon, salmon, salmon... he apparently can't get enough of it. (I'm pretty sure he's
A Hug Rolled up with Salmon and Seaweed
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3032/2949141704_65f52645c4_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>I love giving hugs, just as I love receiving them. The act of embrace is comforting, reassuring, and at times even protective. We all need hugs - hugs of joy when we see an old friend after a long time apart, hugs of comfort when a friend is going through hard times. But sometimes, one hug just isn't enough.</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3110/2914406908_e86fd49df4_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>Because of this, food bloggers all over
Dynamite Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm3.static.flickr.com/2081/2998766774_772831961e_b.jpg" alt="Dynamite Roll"/> </span> <p>Quite often readers email me with questions relating to sushi. Usually they're easy to respond to, or if I don't know the answer a quick search will help me out. But every once in a while, I'm completely stumped by a question. Such was the case with a recent email. A reader asked me five questions relating design to sushi, and since I'm at a loss
Island Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3218/2998862250_8e6d736fce_b.jpg" alt="Island Roll"/> </span> <p>So what do you do if you run out of nori in the middle of making sushi? Well, after the initial "oh crud" moment, you find a way to replace it. Lucky for me, I have a TON of spring roll wrappers laying around, which turn out to be the perfect replacement for nori. Not only are they sturdy enough to roll sushi in without falling apart,
Refugee from Reality Roll
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540we_186400_75___farm4.static.flickr.com/3166/2997764407_bf9d704298_b.jpg" alt="Refugee from Reality Roll"/> </span> <p>Ever since I was very young, I have been an avid reader. In first grade, I began reading the Boxcar Children series (we must have at least 100 of those books!) and Little House on the Prairie. (Although my all-time favorite book when I was young was Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.) In middle school, I graduated to the Wheel of Time series, the Golden Compass

Salmon Summer Sushi
<p>Every now and then, a reader <a href="http://sushiday.com/contact/">emails me</a> with an idea for a sushi recipe. I always do my best to respond to every email, and I'll usually ask the reader if they mind if I make the sushi and post about it. Unfortunately, sometimes it can take a while for me to get to making the sushi, and then sometimes even longer for me to get around to posting about
This little piggy…
<p>Bacon. Anyone who knows me even the least bit knows that I adore bacon. Sometimes, a little too much. So why not put it in sushi? Seriously... <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2008/07/16/breakfast-roll/">bacon</a> <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2007/09/08/bacon-crunchy-shrimp-roll/">in</a> <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2007/08/26/kristen-maki/">sushi</a> <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2007/07/11/i-scream-cone-temaki/">is</a> <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2007/01/07/blt-maki/">amazing.</a> My family knows that if there's bacon in something, there's a good chance I'll eat it. (Gah! So bad for me, I know. Honestly, I'm working on the whole
To My Bloggers…
<p>Not long ago I was, quite frankly, an internet noob. Sure, I've used the internet for email and instant messaging since the '90s, but aside from researching for school papers, my internet use rarely went beyond that. Of course I was on MySpace and Facebook in high school and college - everyone was on such social networking sites, and that was often the best way to stay in touch with my friends