Cucumber Kimchi
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a dancer. And if you’re a dancer, you’ll get this, but if not, you may not realize… but dancers, every last one of us, are really freaking clumsy. We can be super graceful or hard-hitting on stage, but the moment we stop performing, we turn into baby giraffes. I went

Bacon Crunchy Shrimp Roll
Way back in 2006, a year after Son and I started dating, he had ?an idea ? “You should start a food blog,” he said, “we’ll make so much money!” This was way back before everybody and their mother were blogging, and food blogs were a new exciting thing nobody was doing yet. “And, because

Kuromame (simmered black soybeans)
I know this is a little after the fact, but what are your New Year’s traditions? I love hearing about all the different things that other cultures and families do to celebrate, or the lucky things that you’re supposed to do or eat. I’m half Japanese, so my family always does a huge sushi feast

I’ve been to South Korea exactly once, and it was on a 12-hr layover on the way home from Vietnam. For the two weeks in Vietnam, we had been wearing shorts and tank tops for the hot, humid weather. But in Korea it was rainy and cold, so it was a last-minute scramble to figure

Apple Beet Crisp
In high school, a friend once told me, “you know what I hate about you, Allison? It’s that you have no opinions.” Unsurprisingly we grew apart real fast after high school, but the thing is, she wasn’t wrong. I spent most of my life being afraid of people judging me. And because of that, I

Turmeric eggs with bacon, yogurt, and kale
I came from a perfectly happy family. I had a normal, happy childhood. Nothing traumatizing. I like to think I was a perfectly normal child. Except that in kindergarten, during playtime, when all my friends would want to play house, I would lay on my back under the little dining room table, and happily proclaim

Winter vegetable soup
Feeding people is my love language. And I don’t just mean shoving food in someone’s face. For me, it’s all about making them feel cared for. Knowing that their allergies or dietary choices are going to be respected. Feeling like it’s safe for them to eat without judgement or fear of bad reactions. Whenever I

Creamy Chickpeas with Runny Eggs and Prosciutto
My mother is an extremely crafty woman. And I don’t mean sly, I mean she is ridiculously good at making things, and I have always aspired to her level of creativity. When I was in first grade, she made barrettes for my hair. She’d use different types of ribbon and curl it or tie it

Sticky Toffee Pancakes
Every other day, it was cereal for breakfast, but Sundays were “Special Breakfast” days in our family. The vast majority of the time it would start with the ever-present box of Bisquick – as kids, we would stand on the wooden stepstool my dad built, and crank the eggbeater to help dad mix the batter