Orange-Flavored Mochi
<p>Lately, I've really been wanting to participate in more food blogging events, but I've refrained because the don't fit into the theme of Sushi Day, and I don't want too much non-sushi randomness on here. I would love to cook and bake more but, well, I'll save that for when I have a more general food blog. (Which is hopefully coming soon!) However, when I saw the theme for this month's

Queen of the Tom Tom Roll
I haven’t the slightest idea how this roll got it’s name. I did a search for “Queen of the Tom Tom”, and the only results I got were my pictures of the roll on flickr, and the restaurant menu where the roll originated. To me, it sounds like the name of either a ship or

Baja California Roll
I’ve lived in Southern California all my life. So you would think that I might have driven a few hours south to go party it up at Tiajuana or something. Nope. Never ever in my entire life have I crossed an international border! Kind of sad, if you think about it… all the different regional
Hummus Maki
<p>Back when I was still living at my parents' house, my sister decided she liked hummus. So, of course, she had my parents go to Trader Joe's and buy her some. At the time I tried some, and I hated it. I thought that was it for me and hummus.</p> <p>A few months ago, Son and I went to Costco. Now, everyone knows that the best part about Costco (aside from

Spicy Hamachi Gunkan Maki
I love yellowtail. We all know that. You might also know that I love the mayonnaise mix that I used in the Maguro Karakuchi Spicy Tuna Roll. (I put it in tuna salad, and I’m seriously considering hard-boiling some eggs and putting it in egg salad!) So of course, I had to see what happened

Cinco de Mayo Roll
Okay, so technically this isn’t a very *Mexican* roll. But work with me here – it does use red pepper powder, and technically yellowtail is mostly found in Baja California (at least in North America), which is part of Mexico! Plus it’s all pretty and colorful, and today is May 5th! So there. 😀 Of

Yellowtail Nigiri
I first tried yellowtail sashimi late last year, and it was love at first bite. Now, if you held a gun to my head and forced me to choose (please don’t, by the way) yellowtail would be my sashimi of choice, even over tuna and salmon! It has such light flavor and just melts between