Sushi Bake
Somehow, throughout all my years as a sushi blogger… I’ve never tried a sushi bake? THAT CHANGES TODAY. TBH it never sounded super appetizing to me BUT I’m always down for giving things a chance and I had a feeling it was going to be tastier than it looked (to me)! I was right. It’s

Since I have started doing sushi videos every single day, I figured I should do a quick video to show you how I make tamago, which is that Japanese egg omelette. Start with a couple of eggs. I like to mix in some mirin and some shoyu (which is soy sauce). Mix that all until

Tamago Teardrop
We’ve graduated from cucumber and it is time for tamago! I’m always a little self-conscious when people ask me for recipes for things like tamago or sushi rice, because honestly? Most of the time I don’t use measurements, I just kind of estimate. Sushi rice is too sour? Add a little more sugar. And bloop

Cucumber flower sushi
There are few things guaranteed in life. Death, taxes, and me chronically misestimating my sushi rolls. I have been making sushi for FOURTEEN GOSH FREAKING YEARS and they still end up lopsided EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like, seriously, go look at the archives on my blog, so many of the sushi pictures are quite obviously lopsided.

Happy tenth birthday, Sushi Day!
Ten years ago, I was only twenty years old. Ten years ago, I was known as “the ballerina” to everyone who knew me, even though I never quite danced professionally. Ten years ago, I was in the midst of college, trying to figure out what to do with my life – should I become a
New Year’s Sushi Craziness!
<p>Note: I wrote this post shortly after New Year's. And then couldn't decide when to post it, or if I should post it, and... now it's two months late and I'm posting it anyways. Yeah... I'm an awesome blogger like that. Enjoy!</p> <p>---</p> <p>Happy New Year!</p> <p>I hope 2014 started out with a little less excitement for you than it did for me!</p> <p>Ever since starting <a href="http://sushiday.com">Sushi Day</a> back in 2006, I've gotten the
The Ramen Burger in LA!
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm8.staticflickr.com/7449/10043159573_5005408ca9_z.jpg" alt="Ramen Burger"/> </span> <p>Have you heard of the <a href="http://ramenburger.com">Ramen Burger™</a>?</p> <p>They say it's the next Cronut.</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm4.staticflickr.com/3749/9429058588_792299df4d_z.jpg" alt="Ramen burger on TV"/> </span> <p>Started in New York just <a href="http://www.goramen.com/2013/08/smorgasburg-week-1-shoyu-ramen-burger.html">two months ago</a> by <a href="http://www.goramen.com/">Chef Keizo Shimamoto</a>, the Ramen Burger™ has taken the ramen world by storm.</p> <p>If his name sounds familiar to you, there's a good reason for it - <a href="http://twitter.com/goramen">Keizo</a> and I have been friends for several years now, and I've mentioned him
Mitsuwa Kyushu and Okinawa Fair
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm6.staticflickr.com/5467/9323728713_1f80fdfc6a_z.jpg" alt="Ramen shop"/> </span> <p>It's time for another Mitsuwa fair, and all of the delicious things that comes with it!</p> <p>This past weekend they had their <a href="http://www.mitsuwa.com/event/eevent.php?e=45">Kyushu and Okinawa Fair</a> at the Torrance, Costa Mesa, and San Diego stores. (If you're near San Jose, Chicago, or New Jersey, check out their <a href="http://www.mitsuwa.com/event/eevent.php?e=45">event page</a> - the fair is in those cities this upcoming Thursday through Sunday!)</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm6.staticflickr.com/5321/9323726803_ee5a1725ea_z.jpg" alt="Condiments for ramen"/> </span> <p>As usual, they
Mitsuwa Japanese Gourmet Fair
<p>If you live near Torrance, CA or New Jersey, and if you like Japanese food (which, if you don't, I hate to tell you this might not be the right food blog for you... ;) ), then you MUST go to the <a href="http://www.mitsuwa.com/event/eevent.php?e=37">Mitsuwa Japanese Gourmet Fair</a> this weekend (next weekend if you're in New Jersey). (Also, if you live near Costa Mesa, San Jose, San Diego, or Chicago, they all have smaller