Vegetarian Dashi
Even though I am by no means vegetarian, I have a tendency to make vegetarian dashi far more than the normal dashi that uses bonito flakes. I especially like this version – nice and simple to make! Recipe from Vegetarian Sushi Secrets by Marisa Baggett, out today! Ingredients 3 cups (750 ml) cool water 2

Spicy Mushroom Inari
Every few months, Son and I go out to eat KBBQ with some of his old coworkers. Charred meat, a huge variety of banchan, your clothes smelling like KBBQ all the way home… what’s not to love? Unless, of course, you’re the one vegetarian of the group, who always gets stuck in the corner, marinating
Salmon Poke
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm6.staticflickr.com/5198/14269154835_f29740010e_z.jpg" alt="salmon poke"/> </span> <p>A few months ago, a new restaurant opened in Redondo Beach that serves nothing but poke. We're kind of addicted. (We like the California Roll poke the best.)</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm4.staticflickr.com/3730/13498624065_2e05468828_o.jpg" alt="Jus' Poke"/> </span> <p>A few weeks ago, <a href="http://fridgg.com/phuson">Son</a> and I went on a business trip/vacation to Europe, which was tons of fun, exhausting, and left us craving Asian food like crazy. (Check out <a href="http://instagram.com/sushiday/">my Instagram</a> for lots
Pumpkin Pie Wontons with Maple Whipped Cream
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm9.staticflickr.com/8208/8163465823_f0beba2d2f_z.jpg" alt="Pumpkin Pie Wontons with Maple Whipped Cream"/> </span> <p>Now that we've launched <a href="http://fridgg.com/">Fridgg</a>, I'm a little more conscious of being on top of holidays before they happen (unlike how I always used to post holiday recipes a week or so after the fact!) For example, I got the <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2012/10/29/spooky-halloween-sushi/">Halloween sushi</a> post up a couple of days before Halloween, and here I am with a <a href="http://fridgg.com/tag/Thanksgiving">Thanksgiving</a> post a whole two
Spooky Halloween Sushi
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm9.staticflickr.com/8475/8136293481_3810ef7e5c_z.jpg" alt="Black rice sushi cube with uni and smoked paprika"/> </span> <p>I recently realized that in all the six years that Sushi Day has been around, I've never once done a single Halloween post.</p> <p>Not a single one!</p> <p>Obviously, that needed to change.</p>
Uni Nigiri Cubes
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm8.staticflkr.com/7160/6828660541_26f24662e6_b.jpg" alt="uni rice cube"/> </span> <p>When I first tried uni, at <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2008/09/30/mitchs-fish-market-honolulu-hawaii/">a little sushi restaurant in Honolulu</a> in the summer of 2008, I was not a fan. Something about the texture, the saltiness, and how exotic it seems just put me off. For the next three years, I was convinced that I just plain didn't like uni.</p> <p>In spring of 2011, I was at <a href="http://www.sippitysup.com/">a fellow food blogger's house</a>, filming some
Vegan Sushi
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm7.static.flickr.com/6050/6373523533_4b6270fd01_b.jpg" alt="Vegetarian sushi"/> </span> <p>I love to cook for others. Like, really, <em>really</em> love making sushi for other people.</p> <p>In a perfect world, I'd be allowed to experiment and have as much freedom coming up with new rolls as I do here on Sushi Day. But this isn't a perfect world, and not everyone will eat all the random rolls I put together (and, to be honest, not everything I attempt comes out
Man Sushi
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm7.static.flickr.com/6145/5960263730_bcb960b17d_b.jpg" alt="Tempura vegetables"/> </span> <p>Question: What do you do when you're tasked with making sushi for a group of friends, but one of your male friends has never eaten sushi and refuses to try raw fish?</p> <p>Easy: <em>MAN SUSHI</em>. (Just imagine I'm saying that in a deep, "manly" voice.)</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm7.static.flickr.com/6014/5960265082_dd20630680_b.jpg" alt="Putting the roll together"/> </span> <p>But what on earth is "Man Sushi"?</p> <p>Well, what sort of food does your stereotypical man love? That's an easy
Mackerel with Ginger & Green Onion, our giveaway winner, & we’re having a sale!
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5289/5256540138_27778a4d2a_o.png" alt=""/> </span> <p>Congratulations to <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2010/12/09/scallops-with-polenta-and-avocado-and-a-giveaway/#comment-61647">Lara</a>! She was the winner of the sushi earrings.</p> <p>In other news, <em>we're having a sale!</em> From now until the end of the year, buy at least $40 worth of products from our <a href="http://sushiday.com/store/">Sushi Day store</a>, and get $20 off. Our <a href="http://sushiday.com/store/#sushi-shirt">Sushi Day shirts</a> are super-soft, way comfortable, and the perfect gift for every sushi lover in your life. Our <a href="http://sushiday.com/store/#sushi-kit">Sushi Kits</a>