Spooky Halloween Sushi
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm9.staticflickr.com/8475/8136293481_3810ef7e5c_z.jpg" alt="Black rice sushi cube with uni and smoked paprika"/> </span> <p>I recently realized that in all the six years that Sushi Day has been around, I've never once done a single Halloween post.</p> <p>Not a single one!</p> <p>Obviously, that needed to change.</p>
Uni Nigiri Cubes
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm8.staticflkr.com/7160/6828660541_26f24662e6_b.jpg" alt="uni rice cube"/> </span> <p>When I first tried uni, at <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2008/09/30/mitchs-fish-market-honolulu-hawaii/">a little sushi restaurant in Honolulu</a> in the summer of 2008, I was not a fan. Something about the texture, the saltiness, and how exotic it seems just put me off. For the next three years, I was convinced that I just plain didn't like uni.</p> <p>In spring of 2011, I was at <a href="http://www.sippitysup.com/">a fellow food blogger's house</a>, filming some
<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm2.static.flickr.com/1057/5101160457_db75094a37_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>Congratulations to <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2010/11/11/arctic-char-and-cream-cheese-wontons/#comment-60278">Katharine</a> for her suggestion that Jell-O would NOT go well in wontons (can you imagine even trying? What an impossible mess that would be!) and to <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2010/11/11/arctic-char-and-cream-cheese-wontons/#comment-60252">Cathy</a> for her delicious-sounding suggestion of matcha pastry cream in a wonton, topped with a cherry sauce. They were the winners of our latest Sushi Day contest!</p> <p>Thanks so much to everybody who entered!</p> <span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/540w_18640000_75___farm5.static.flickr.com/4132/5101750672_37e78f224a_b.jpg" alt=""/> </span> <p>If you've been reading

Yellowtail Nigiri
I first tried yellowtail sashimi late last year, and it was love at first bite. Now, if you held a gun to my head and forced me to choose (please don’t, by the way) yellowtail would be my sashimi of choice, even over tuna and salmon! It has such light flavor and just melts between

Tuna Nigiri
<p>So simple, and yet so good. This is definitely the most basic type of sushi, and the most common one seen in media, sushi bars, and anywhere else sushi or pictures of sushi might be found. Not surprisingly this is what most people thing of when they think of sushi. </p>
Ham Nigiri
<p>I know Easter was over a week ago so most of you probably don't have any ham left, but if you do this is a great way to use it! (Or you could go out and buy some right now! :D) This is a simple version of nigiri, and doesn't go bad nearly as quickly as fish does, plus it's a great option for kids or those who prefer to avoid fish!

Tamago Nigiri
Tamago nigiri may not be the fanciest sushi out there, but it can be found at most sushi places. It’s so easy to make, you could fry up some bacon and eat tamago nigiri for breakfast! (I bet we all know what I’m making for breakfast tomorrow!) Makes about 5-6 pieces. Ingredients 1 cup sumeshi