Bacon Crunchy Shrimp Roll
<p>This is very similar to the original <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2006/11/04/crunchy-shrimp-roll/">Crunchy Shrimp Roll</a>... but with bacon! Because bacon makes everything better. :P If you liked the original Crunchy Shrimp Roll and you like bacon, then you are gonna <em>love</em> this one!</p>

Jack-Fruity-Tooty Sushi
Whenever Son visits his parents, his mom sends a bunch of food and fruit back with him. Recently, she sent a bag of jackfruit. I had never tried jackfruit before, so Son made me try some. It’s pretty good! It tastes similar to mango (I think), but not quite as sweet. Anyways, I had recently

Kristen Maki
A couple of months ago, my little sister, Kristen, left a comment on Crunchy Shrimp Roll requesting a roll with bacon, green onion, avocado and mozzarella cheese. So a week or two ago, I had all the ingredients so I decided to try it. It is really good! (Of course, any roll with bacon is
Prosciutto and Arugula Cones
<p>A few weeks ago, Son went to dinner at <a href="http://www.icugini.com/">I Cugini</a> in Santa Monica with a bunch of his coworkers who were in Southern California for the week. One of them was unable to finish her Pizza di Prosciutto, and since she was staying in a hotel she gave it to Son. He brought it home for me to try. I loved it... and thought that it would be great
Southwestern Sushi
<p>The Southwestern Sushi is a great way to introduce those who refuse to eat sushi to the taste and idea of eating fillings with rice and nori. It tastes similar to a roast beef sandwich, but much much better!</p>
Mango Salsa Sushi
<p>A week ago we were visiting Son's parents, and his mother sent a couple of mangoes back with us. Now I have had mango pudding and mango ice cream before, but I don't think I have ever had an actual raw mango! Yum! They were some really good mangoes, so we decided to make some sushi with it. Recently I keep hearing about mango salsa, and it sounds really good...

Shrimp n’ Apple Roll
Several people have told us that we should try making sushi using apples and shrimp, so finally we have! I know everyone always says to use Fuji apples for their sweetness… but I didn’t have any so I just made do with what I had! These apples were sweet too though, so I figure it’s
“Beef” and Broccoli Maki
<p>This is my interpretation of the "beef" that is used in the vegetarian pad see ew (I love pad see ew! :D ). Ours doesn't taste exactly like beef, but it's still really good! We overcooked the broccoli just a tad bit (which is why it is all black and looks dead) but it still tasted fantastic! This is a great way to make sushi for your vegetarian friends or to

Tuna Temaki
A few weeks ago, Yvo posted a recipe for tuna salad on her blog, The Feisty Foodie. Since I am almost as faithful a reader of her blog as she is of mine (her reviews of New York restaurants always make me want to pack my bags and catch a flight out to New York),