Weekly Wanderings 2020/12
Hope everyone’s having a lovely October!
We’ve been doing better at getting out for a walk every day, even if it’s just a short walk before sunset.
Found the end.

And some pretty little flowers.

The fanciest fire hydrant.

Samples for tasting time! Note how I made sure each piece got a good bit of bacon.

When Shrimpy noted that we accidentally burnt some fries…
he wasn’t kidding.

My brother REALLY likes Oreos, so when I saw this… I just had to get it for his birthday.
Haven’t made it yet, but I’m going to do the silliest Sushi Labs ever for it…

I’ve been reflecting upon how I always say I want to dance… but never do.
So I’m making myself come up with prompts and post daily dance improv.
It scares the heck out of me, but I always say you have to make shitty art before you can make good art, so I’m following my own advice.
Saw this fellow hanging out in a tree.

Day 2. It’ll be a while before I actually like the stuff I’m posting… but I’m sharing it anyways.
It’s the best feeling when a random idea turns out REALLY REALLY GOOD.
You’re gonna want to see tomorrow’s post!

Getting baked.

Fresh-baked bread exists to be a tasty delivery mechanism for good butter.


I just wanted to lay on the ground and call it art.
Instead… I laid on a chair and called it art.
Plenty of good food (and questionable dancing) coming up! Hope you all have a lovely week! I need a nap…