Flank Steak Sushi

This flank steak recipe is one that my mom has used for ages, and I have always <em>loved</em> it! I used to always ask my mom to make it for dinner, but now that I'm all grown up I don't get her home cooked meals anymore!

Plenty of Oshizushi

So now that you know how to make oshizushi, it's time to make some! You can use most ingredients in oshizushi, although squishier ingredients work better since they can compress very nicely. Here are some of the creations we tried...

How to make Oshizushi

Oshizushi is a type of sushi that uses a small wooden box to press the sushi into little rectangles. It's a lot of fun to press the sushi, especially since there are so many different combinations you can make (As you can see, we went a little overboard ;) ).

blt maki

BLT Maki

This roll is my sushi version of the classic BLT sandwich. I used to love BLT sandwiches, except that I don’t like tomato – so mine always ended up being BL_ sandwiches. 😛 This roll turned out tasting pretty darn good! I think it’s even better tasting than the sandwich… but then of course, I’m

frisky roll

Frisky Roll

<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/550w_18640000_75___c1.staticflickr.com/129/345215530_bbba5728b0_o.jpg" alt="Frisky Roll" /> </span> <p>This roll is amazingly delicious! I love tempura shrimp, avocado, and unagi, and together they taste so good! In addition, the roll ends up looking very nice, so it seems even more mouth watering. </p>

Boston Roll

<span class="bigPic"> <img src="http://img.fridgg.com/550w_18640000_75___c1.staticflickr.com/166/337221899_9f7a785bfe_o.jpg" alt="Boston Roll" /> </span> <p>This roll is similar to the <a href="http://sushiday.com/archives/2006/10/31/california-roll/">California Roll</a>, using shrimp instead of imitation crab. It's really good, and the tobiko adds a nice splash of color to the roll.</p>

caterpillar roll

Caterpillar Roll

This is one of the more well known rolls which can be found in a lot of sushi restaurants. This roll is very similar to the Unagi Roll. It’s so tasty! I absolutely love this roll. This (along with the Crunchy Shrimp Roll) is one of my favorite rolls that I have made thus far.
