Head-on, garlic-fried shrimp
Missed the stream? Watch it on Twitch! Yesterday, May 10th, was National Shrimp Day! I don’t celebrate all food holidays… but when I do, it’s because I want a good excuse to make something I want to eat. Like shrimp. You’ve all probably guessed by now that we really love garlic around here. So it’s
Garlic Salmon Pasta with Super Garlicky Garlic Bread
Missed the stream? Watch it on Twitch! There are a ton of food “holidays” out there. “National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day” “Lima Bean Respect Day” “Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day” (You think I’m kidding. Seriously, those are the actual food holidays for April 20th and 21st!) Most of the time I skip them. I’m usually meh