Weekly Wanderings 2020/6
We actually left the house this week!
We went for one (1) short walk and found a llama.

Still dancin’, still rehearsing to eventually give you some Just Dance videos!
I KNOW everyone says don’t start a 3rd YT channel.
I can’t help myself. I just really prefer having separation of content, EVEN if it’s a terrible idea for growth.
Also my programmer side is laughing at this obvious test filler content.
![photo of Just Dance screen with text "[SONG TITLE] can be very long"](https://cdn.sushiday.com/wp-assets/20200830115127/Photo-Aug-26-10-10-43-PM-768x1024.jpg)
We got a new light! It’s tiny and cute and won’t kill me if it falls on me.

PSA: go drive your car so the battery doesn’t die
… again.
We were only a couple days late… and ded.

This isn’t an everyday thing, but breakfast sandwiches make the day feel a little special. Made them twice this week!

My brain got stuck on the idea of wanting to make beaded jewelry.
And came up with a bunch of ideas I can’t get out of my head.
It’s a mess, but I made my first earring! If I’m lucky, I’ll get earring #2 done before we start recording Halloween videos.

Have a lovely week, everybody!
3 thoughts on “Weekly Wanderings 2020/6”
Everyone knows spiders have 6 legs!!! 🙂 Also that egg sammich… YUM.
I no longer have any idea how many legs a spider is supposed to have.
Pingback: Weekly Wanderings 2020/7 – Sushi Day