salmon asparagus roll

Salmon Asparagus Sushi

This is a very mild but delicious roll. The asparagus is sweet and juicy, while the smoked salmon is nice and salty. It really doesn’t need any accompaniment, but if you would like, you can mix in some wasabi with your mayonnaise to add an extra little kick.

Makes 6 rolls, or 36-48 slices.

  • 6 sheets nori
  • 3 cups sumeshi
  • 6 stalks asparagus
  • 4 oz smoked salmon
  • mayonnaise
Cooking Directions
  1. Cook sushi rice.
  2. Microwave the asparagus for about 1 minute.
  3. Roll the sushi. For your fillings, use a stalk of asparagus, some smoked salmon, and a line of mayonnaise.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Salmon Asparagus Sushi”

  1. Yvo -

    Ooh, that looks good. I do love asparagus despite the smelly… yeah. Anyway, I am loving your pictures and the clickable-cycle thing! The last picture…. what is that adorable thing peeking into the picture?! 🙂

  2. Allison -

    I agree! 😛 Thanks… Son was responsible for that, due to a request from one of our readers! About the thing in the picture, you know how back in elementary school you used to cut out cross-shaped things and then fold them into cubes? (Well, I did at least…) This is very similar to that, except it folds into a girl in a kimono instead of a boring old cube! 🙂 You can find the templates for that and many others at 🙂
