pan-banging chocolate chip cookies

Pan-Banging Chocolate Chip Cookies

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cookie with ice cream, fudge sauce, macerated strawberries

As I’ve mentioned before, I always love the excuse of food holidays when they’re for something I really want to make.

layered cookie dish

Case in point, today’s National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

cookie with bacon

So of course, chocolate chip cookies were on the menu.

pan-banging chocolate chip cookies

(Plus, it’s our 13-year anniversary of our first date… so extra reason for cookies!)

cookie with ice cream, fudge sauce, macerated strawberries

I’ve been wanting to try out this recipe for pan-banging chocolate chip cookies ever since they were featured in the New York Times last year, but haven’t had the excuse… until now.

layered cookie dish

Although I followed the recipe exactly, the cookies turned out waaaaay bigger than I expected, and spread into one another.

cookie with bacon

So… not the prettiest. But still delicious! As promised, I loved how the edges were nice and crisp, and the centers were still soft and gooey. I don’t know if it’s quite taken the spot of my favorite chocolate chip cookie, but even so, it was an excellent cookie.

cookie scraps

Today’s Question of the Day: If you could choose any type of cookies, and any kind of ice cream, what would be your ideal ice cream sandwich combination?

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