Bacon Crunchy Shrimp Roll
Way back in 2006, a year after Son and I started dating, he had ?an idea ?
“You should start a food blog,” he said, “we’ll make so much money!”
This was way back before everybody and their mother were blogging, and food blogs were a new exciting thing nobody was doing yet.
“And, because every blog needs a niche, and because you’re half Japanese, it should be a blog about ?sushi?!”
… never mind that I had never made sushi in my LIFE.

So we started a blog, filled with sushi recipes – I was the recipe creator and sushi maker, and he took care of the photography.
We called it Sushi Day because – obviously, it was about sushi, and my last name is Day, plus it nicely lends itself to our motto that “Every day is a Sushi Day!”
And that is how I started making food on the internet.
All that being said, don’t think we found any success in that. I was a truly terrible food blogger, and as for money? Yeah, we didn’t make jack shit.

Bacon Crunchy Shrimp Roll
- 1 sheet nori
- 1/2 cup sumeshi
- 2 tempura shrimp, cooked according to directions on the package
- 1-2 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
- 1/4 avocado, sliced
- 1 green onion stalk
- kewpie mayonnaise
- sriracha, to taste, optional
Cooking Directions
- Cook sushi rice.
- Cook bacon and tempura shrimp, slice avocado
- Mix sriracha into kewpie mayo, to taste. A little goes a long way, so start with just a few drops.
- With a bamboo rolling mat, roll the sushi, using the tempura shrimp, bacon, avocado, green onion, and spicy mayonnaise as your fillings.
- Slice the sushi, and enjoy!
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