“A” Kazari Makizushi
I am an introvert.
I’m a shy awkward nervous socially inept introvert – which means meeting new people is always a little nerve-wracking for me, but I can deal with the meeting new people.
What makes it really really terrible is when there’s an ice breaker.
Does anybody actually like this? I can never come up with something interesting about myself and I never really wanted to play these awkward games that everybody hates, but the worst part is when they ask you to come up with a descriptive word about yourself that matches the first letter of your first name.
There are no good A words.

There aren’t any – Awesome is just boring, Alliterative is too obvious. Arabesque… I mean, I am a dancer. I don’t think that works though.
A is for Allison, and that’s me, but I can’t come up with any other words!

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